We ask that guests use the following times when checking in:
Day Shift Check-In – 15:00 PM or upon room availability
Night Shift Check-In – 9:00 AM or upon room availability
For those checking in outside of these hours, please check in with security for assistance and access to luggage (located next to the front desk)

We ask that guests use the following times when checking out:
Day Shift Check-out – 7:00 AM
Night Shift Check-out – 18:00 PM
We ask that your room is vacant prior to your allocated check-out time

If there are any changes to your reservation shift or dates (ex: Day to Night Shift, overtime, or early departure), please reconfirm all changes with the front desk to ensure that the update has been communicated.

If the storage room doors are closed and inaccessible, please ask the front desk for assistance in dropping off or retrieving luggage.
Please ensure a Suncor luggage tag with your name and badge number are attached with storage luggage (day storage or long-term storage).
While on turnaround, you are permitted to store one luggage bag at camp.
If you are leaving from Main Admin and would like to bring larger items home, please ask the front desk for information regarding FIFO/BIBO luggage transfer service.

Due to the fact that Mount Logan is a 24-hour lodge, we ask that you please be respectful of your fellow neighbours by keeping the noise to a minimum as your fellow guest may be working irregular shifts.
Daily Official Quiet Hours are as follows:
23:00 PM – 5:00 AM
11:00 AM – 17:00 PM

You must swipe your badge on the black scan pad located on the entrance of your dorm floor to get access to the hallway. Use your badge to then scan the nearest black pad to your designated room. You will have 10 seconds to open the doors after scanning your badge. If you experience any problems accessing your designated room, please contact the front desk at (780) 790-2400.

For safe sharp disposal, individual sharps containers are available at the front desk and sharp containers are located in all core public washrooms and in each bunk laundry room.
Be aware of your muster points
Be aware of your surroundings
Reach the Front Desk by dialing “0” on your room phone or at (780) 790-2400

Please place the Night Shift sign on the outside of your door if you are a Night Shift guest. This sign must stay on your door for the full duration of your stay while working Night shift. Upon checkout, please place the sign back inside the door.
The Do Not Disturb sign is only to be used if your room is occupied when you would normally be on shift. For example, in the instance of a sick day, please place the Do Not Disturb sign outside your door.